Features - 2 -
Every web site has a FTP account included, so you can log in with your user name and password, and update your site anytime you like and transfer your web site files, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can even add/get additional FTP accounts for your site if you have multiple people updating subdirectories and you need control over who has access to what.
This is a secure method of accessing your shell account (simple Telnet is not supported for security reasons). To use this feature you will need a proper SSH client with the ability to access this feature. Telnet sessions are not encrypted. Encrypted connections are achieved through the SSH protocol.
SSH provides secure communication over an unsecure channel by encrypting the data channel using the cipher algorithm (3DES, DES, RC4) selected for the session by the user.
The Microsoft® FrontPage® 2002 web site creation and management tool gives users everything they need to easily create and manage great web sites. We offer FrontPage Extension to you, with zero setup fees or monthly storage fees, as a service that helps distinguish us from our competitors. Although FrontPage does take up additional space and we must configure it for you to use it on our server, we believe it's worth the trouble, because FrontPage makes designing a full-featured web site pretty easy compared to hand-coding this stuff! Customers that want to use FrontPage will probably value this feature a lot. Don't forget, we offer FrontPage extensions at no extra charge!
You are required to own and install the FrontPage® 2002 software or older version on your home system.
Our server extensions are backward compatible. If you are using FP 98 or FP 2000 you can also connect to our server.
Server Side Includes are special HTML files that get read and processed by the server before being transmitted to your browser. They usually have an extension of .shtml instead of .html. When the file is read in, the server searches for any commands it recognizes, and does things like search-and-replace, file insertion, or execute a CGI. The output of any SSI command is merged into the HTML page, and then delivered to your browser. It is similar to including JavaScript, but is not browser dependant, and can do many things that are specific to server functions.
For example, if you wanted a footer on all your pages that may change from time to time, you can create a text file with the desired footer and place it in your domain. On each page you put a simple 'Include' to read that file and place it on the desired pages.
Supported Languages -- C++, Perl, Python, Tcl, Miva
We support various languages for CGI and database development. Perl is the dominant language for writing CGI scripts, Miva is similar to Server-Side Includes, but much more flexible and powerful.
PHP is a server-side HTML-embedded scripting language that lets you create dynamic web pages.
Cron is the ability to run programs based on the system clock. A cronjob is a scheduled task that you want to automatically run at a scheduled time, e.g. run my backup at 1:30 am everyday. You need to create a cron table or "crontab", a file of dates and commands that you want to run. A crontab file instructs the system to run specific commands at a given time. We allow you to run one cronjob a day. --> We may allow more, if the jobs are simple and don't cause much load.
Secure Server Capability (SSL)
Encryption is very important when taking credit card numbers, or posting personal or confidential information over the Internet. Although it's way more likely for someone to steal your credit card number when you order over the telephone, we still offer you full, unlimited access to our secure server. By using our server's certificate, you save many dollars because you don't need a certificate of your own. And, we don't charge extra for this, because we're not getting charged for the transactions! Visit other hosting sites and see how much they charge if you want full SSL secure server access! A lot!
Graphical Stats Online -- updated daily
Some providers give you access to your raw log files. Some providers create a text report that summarizes this information showing the most popular pages and how many people visited your site this week or month. And some providers charge you for a graphical representation of these log files, which is much easier to understand. We provide you with full graphical stats, for free! The stats provide a yearly summary, a short summary for the current month, as well as daily summary, and full historical summaries of all the access to your site. We have Wusage and Webalizer running to parse your log file on our value and premium hosting plans. And AwStats on the economy plan.
Additionally you have also access to your own config files. So you can customize the output of the stats.
MySQL is a relational database system.
These are multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database engines offering speed, robustness and ease of use. SQL is a standardized language that makes it easy to store, update and access information. MySQL is fast, flexible and allows you to store logs as well as pictures.
We are currently running Version 3.23.43. For easy database administration over the web, we have phpMyAdmin installed on all accounts.
We don't restrict the size of your databases. The limit is your web space quota.
Password-Protected Directories
Again it's us who give you full control over the file that controls the server's handling of password protected directories, and what kind of error messages it displays. You can set up a password protected directory that only you or your family can view, like family photos!
Customizable file not found page
The "file not found" page will be shown anytime someone requests a url within your domain that does not exist. This is fully customizable allowing you to redirect your visitors as desired.
This feature is for all web professionals, that need more flexibility than the average user. You can add your own mime types, that are not supported from the web server by default. You can let parse all html pages as SSI pages. You are able to redirect users to a special page, depending on the error they get (500,404 etc...). You can block certain IP's or domain names from accessing your site. And so much more...
We backup your web directory daily on redundant hard drives installed on each of our hosting servers. Providing the peace of mind that if the main drive should fail for any reason we can quickly and completely restore your site. You may also request backups for files you may have lost by accident for a one-time restoration fee.
This is the contract length on the appropriate account. In other words, monthly means, that you can drop your account after one month. And quarterly means a payment/subscription period of 3 months, and semi-annually is 6 months.
For your convenience, we have many pre-configured scripts available. This makes it extremely easy to create your own interactive site in no time. For an overview (Value / Premium plans only) click here.
It is the fee you have to pay for your domain name per year. If we register your domain name to your address you own the domain name, therefore you have to pay for your property. Understand it as a kind of license fee. Currently we can register domain names in many top level domain areas.
We currently charge starting at $14.99 for the first year, and $14.99 per year after that (depending on the top level domain!). This fee covers a new registration, and an unlimited number of transfers between web providers. It also covers updates to the contact and whois database, which stores the names and addresses of domain owners. If you are simply transferring a domain from another web hosting service to Spunkyworld there is no domain name fee, because you already paid your domain name fee somewhere else.
The domain fee is payable by the domain name owner, because if you pay the domain name, you own the name and you can do anything with your name what you like. You can also move the domain name, if you are switching ISP's. So, if you would not own the domain, you would have problems to do things like this ;-)
Our manual explains how your account works, and how you setup and configure the Spunkyworld features. All the technical stuff for your account, to log in and transfer files and using your shell.
Contains Frequently Asked Questions from our customers, and the answers to them too :-)
We offer unlimited Technical Support to all of our clients. Sometimes even when you've read the FAQ or the manual three times and it looks right, something can still not work for a small, nondescriptive reason. That's when you email us - the experts to do our job. Don't hesitate to ask us questions, we are always happy to assist you. That's what we're here for, to help you.
Miva Merchant is a browser based Storefront and Catalog development system which integrates cataloging, product maintenance, category management, shopping basket, order and credit card processing. You may order this as an add on to your premium hosting plan.
Multiple stores can be maintained by one central administrator or specific store functions can be delegated to sub-administrators. The software is organized as a series of modules that can be field upgraded to provide new functionality without any changes to the core system. E-Merchants can use the browser based interface to build stores or developers can get "under the hood" with and build modules in XML based Miva Script. Merchants manage their stores with a user friendly browser based interface.
Real Time Credit Card Processing
It was never easier to take orders over the net. Ecommerce is now! With your own merchant account and the MivaMerchant shopping cart you are up and running in no time. And most important: No programming is necessary if you apply for your merchant account through Spunkyworld.
We can help you to get your own Internet Merchant Account at a really low price. With a turnaround time of 24-48 hours and no applications to sign or to mail. Everything is web based. It's FAST and EASY. Click here for info.
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